Farewell Sarah!
We’re sad to say goodbye to our phenomenal lab manager, Dr. Sarah Fogarty! Thankfully for us, she is remaining at the U and transitioning to a new role as a Team Science Grant Specialist in the Senior Vice President for Health Science Research Unit.
Hot off the press!
Read all about our efforts to develop and validate a platform to identify protein-metabolite interactions. Free full text here.
Welcome Kristina!
We are thrilled to welcome Dr Kristina Seiler to the lab as a new postdoctoral fellow!
Farewell Yeyun!
Farewell to grad student extraordinaire, Yeyun Ouyang, who is leaving the lab to join Altos Labs. We’ll miss you!
Congratulations Dr Ouyang!
Congratulations to Dr Yeyun Ouyang who defended her thesis today. Watch out for her paper soon!
Welcome Matt!
Welcome to undergraduate lab aide, Matt Shields, who will be working in the lab in his senior year.
Welcome Tarun!
Welcome new NUIP graduate student, Tarun Yadav! Tarun joins the lab after completing his Masters at IISER Pune.
Welcome Ajak!
It’s really welcome back to the lab for Ajak Arok, who interned in the lab over the summer and rejoins as an UROP-funded student for his senior year!
Welcome Luis!
Welcome to our newest postdoctoral fellow, Luis Cedeno-Rosario, who joins us from the University of Toledo!
Welcome James!
We are delighted to welcome Jame Carrington to the lab. James is in the MD/PhD program at the University of Utah and is returning to the Department of Biochemistry (where he previously worked as a technician in the Roh-Johnson lab) for his Phd.
Welcome Joshua!
We’re delighted to welcome Joshua Youngs to the lab. Joshua recently graduated from BYU and will be working as a lab technician while he prepares for medical school.
Welcome Sadie!
Welcome to Sadie Johnson, who joins the Baker-Rutter lab team after graduating from UVU.
Farewell Jake!
We’re sad to say goodbye to our amazing MD/PhD student, Jake Winter. Luckily for us, he’ll be around campus for another couple of years as he adds the MD to his PhD.
Farewell Peng!
It’s with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to Peng Wei, who is off on new adventures in Boston with Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The lab won’t be the same without him, but we’ll know he’ll do great!